How can sad read so beautiful :? must be my eyes :/
If I hugged you and lingered, now, would be just lust :/
For I don't know you any more,
It's like you were never inside my door.
You're just an alien now, just an alien,
If you had a place it's now just empty space.
You got replaced,
Why did you pace,
You left our place,
..who am I now that I'm not your mate:/
I hated that you were late,
All our memories now just dates
Broken, covered in tatters,
I was shattered, no tint to stop my pieces from being scattered,
The stars, the moon, I was separated from
But now I got you, no people
The sun for the day, rain on the way
Alone in our beautiful lonely haven.
Thrust through the galaxies
Constellations all within my grasp,
The universe in my hands
beauty and not just a glance..