I never consciously dare to change anyone, because what happens when they become aware of it. Even if it is clearly for their own benefit, they could refute it.
Not that I haven't wanted to. To change that one glitch in her personality and make her perfect for me, it's just one. To make her love me. To make her stop smoking, start drinking. To make her notice me.
If God himself gave us free will who are we to dare take it, away. And can we really? From anyone with a mind, could we do anything more than influence them? Could we tell them to do something and expect them to follow it through to the letter no questions asked and if they did could we trust they were humans, and not robots in skin.
Could we make anyone believe? Tell them to and expect them to, wouldn't we rather let them see. Isn't it more effective, after all it's the human saying that says seeing is believing. We all have basis for not believing mere words, because we have been deceived enough times..
Change can only really come from within, at least the long lasting type. Let me see what you're saying and let me see how it can change me from how it has changed you. Inspire me, build my believe.
Show me, rather than tell me.