Tick rock, tick rock, that's the clock.. but today 7:30 seemed like 6:30, the sun was still out plus there was no break & the wall clock, you'll have to see that wall clock to know what I'm talking about.
The longest class ever, how I still remained attentive through it I have no idea.
Finally its over.. wait, it's now just began, the pounding of my heart in heavy thuds, so heavy my ears can hear them regardless of how far they are from it. If only I could I would go back to that never ending class & keep on learning, maybe come out with my PhD.
But I would miss her & all she has to say, I would miss her so much [even my passion for finance wouldn't keep me distracted for that long!] .. maybe I don't want to hear it. She loves me.. she loves me ___
Lord, help me.. :°|