Sunday, 17 June 2018

Human vs Aliens 1

I'm trying pretty hard to figure out how to explain this, not because I lack the words, I rarely lack those. It's because for some reason in my head I think you don't need to be explained to, or at least you shouldn't given who I think/believe you are :/

In my head you are a brilliant artist. I have never seen your work but I believe so hard, I've spoken to you and all your words confirm you are one. It's for that reason I assumed you would get it, you would understand his alien behavior. Well, there's love involved, and we all know where emotions are involved our vision is usually blurred. From that I assume even an artists ability to perceive is.

I will try and explain. Travel with me to the future... the year 3014, one thousand years from now. In this future world we will assume our earth no longer exists, for some reason. Perhaps it got invaded with a more superior species, at least in terms of weaponry and we got defeated.. they killed most of our species with a few lucky to escape so dispersed in all parts of the universe, cosmos [yes it's 3014, we can travel that far away, at great enough speeds.. maybe even the speed of light so we can go back and save our earth from this alien species, unless it just exploded. All these are maybes, no preempting.. let me give my story!].

So a fraction of the human race who survived the aliens are widespread across the cosmos, with an even smaller one left on earth being experimented on by our alien conquerors [If they are not our scientists.. lemme not go there, maybe later ':¡].

As refugees in alien countries, [ooh, worlds, planets] we slowly die of given that we left in such a hurry we forgot to carry our seeds. Ooh, I'd forgotten to mention that in such futuristic times physical contact had been officially grossed out [haha.. gross:7], outlawed.. long ago enough the whole population had been culturalized without any knowledge of reproducing, no sex [I know it doesn't make sense!]'s the truth.

Well, even if some secret elite human society managed to pass such knowledge on from generation to generation by the fourth or so generation it would seem so absurd, it wouldn't even be myth.. but it would be had to imagine that happened given the amount of surveillance that would be in existence at that point in time, 3014.. people would probably be walking naked given there'd be no point of covering yourself as you have already been seen by surveillance taking a shower or changing [I would change in my towels and bath with my clothes to avoid that.. wait, it's 3014 no need to change clothes or have a regular shower! There'll be.. uhm, something!].

Imagine what would happen if you were one of the survivors, if you were the only one left alive in your group [maybe because you were a lab techie and from your works you had somehow developed immunity to all forms of human diseases. Don't get carried away, you're not superhuman just super immune for lack of a better word. You don't have any powers, only immunity from diseases.] and you haven't committed suicide! Now imagine in your regular routines you see another human being.

Hope is a person of the opposite sex from you. Like you Hope was the only survivor of their camp. They'd heard a beamed up signal that had been broadcasted on a continuous loop by one of the techies from your camp and by only that had traveled many enough light years to find and meet these other humans.

How do you think you would react, meeting from a very long time someone human like you. Someone with a mouth, with hands, with one HEAD!? Two nostrils, with two brains if you dissected their head but you wouldn't dare because where in the cosmos would you find another, is there even one other still surviving and how long would you have to wait to finally find them, if they exist.

You would run to them as fast as you could, with your eyes glued at them not affording even a blink, for a millisecond is all it takes to move them across several galaxies. If you were lazy like someone I know you would walk but with just as much zeal towards them, not even a blink across whatever obstacles.. you wouldn't fall even if you tripped, you couldn't afford it.

And when you finally reached them you would hug them so tight, so tight [ tight even if they were a well build athletic man with huge muscles and all and you a girl, a girly girl, you would still have to be careful not to crush their lungs because where would you find another human being.] long too that my English lecturer would cringe her face for it would be way longer than enough. You would kiss them also too much if she was there she may die of being grossed up [My English teacher, thank God she wouldn't be there.. this is officially a two human story! I wouldn't want her to die of being grossed up although I think I would pay to watch her face cringe ':¡ She'll live, because she's funny a_d].

You would make love to them, with words and the other way too.. yes, even if you and the human race has had no idea what that is for all those generations, centuries. You would rediscover it like Adam and Eve at the garden of Eden or if we're going with the big bang theory instinctively like animals, like the first caveman ':?

I am saying you would love them like you've known them all your life, like they're all you had been waiting for, and or living for. You would love them even if they were not your type [before you discover that], for they are human, even if for a moment, day, whatever name instances of time will be called then.

Sometimes, many times, most times ..maybe it's all the time, I feel alien. And when I meet someone from my planet I do exactly that. I run to them and blabber, make love to them with my words over and over again as I try give all my escapades in this foreign planet to them, to someone who can finally get me.

Other times I am so dry, so exhausted from trading in this desert called earth I mistakenly identify some other species which is only similar to mine, perhaps a homo habilis, a monkey, or just a primate. When I am too dry and too thirsty I may wander even further to an alien, a mirage. It is difficult living here.

Hallooo.. anyone home. Is anyone out there, anywhere, please, si'l vous plait sgudjggyhcetykoyrs
If you're there please beam me up. Say anything, I will find you. Thanks.

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