She must be a prophet, a pretty good one at that! Or else how would she predict her future so well, tell it yesterday in her story ..unless she controls it ':! Yeah, that makes more sense, it's more believable! She writes her story and lives it like she's written it.
Sometimes I wish I could do that. But there's not much I can control.. I can write a good story, in fact, I have the whole story. A very beautiful story at that! Living it is the bit I don't have too much control of. I can only try my best to live my great story, exactly how I've written it, that is.
I also realized I'm not the only writer of this story. God already wrote it, even before I was conceived a story of my life was written. The world too has claims to this story of my life; through my family [dad wants something of me, mom too, & my brothers, & sister], friends [several girls want me as their boyfriend, the one I want isn't even among them ':!]
..I should then understand, after all I have my claim on someone else's story, this girl who seems in full control of her story. This literally means if she doesn't put me in character, if my character in her story doesn't fit my character in my story I'm out of character :'(
So what am I saying? ...there are so many pushes and pulls in this world. For you there's; what you want, what everyone else wants, what even you haven't realized you want yet, what destiny wants [let's assume this is the God variable.. what God wants for you.]
Talking about destiny, given He's God then maybe it's a constant ':! ..wait, thank God for free will's a variable [ what I strongly believe!]! How He still is God is because He can see all the possible variables, where every alternative will land you [Our choices influence our destinies, we're not doomed to one fate.. it's all variable, we write our own fate]!
It really amazes me what type of being He is, that with all His power He still gives us choice. Human beings usually give choices and options only [ok, let's be more generous and say mostly] because they know they have no choice [but to give them, because if they don't the choice may be taken anyway.. and they would loose any perceived power they may have had, any leverage ':!?].
Let's work with those four variables for now, but just to show that there are many more I will mention some more: I could break down what everyone wants by defining what everyone means; friends and enemies, we could also break this down further to what friends may include; family, close friends, friendly colleagues.. well, this may never end. Let's push it still, just a little bit more: what I want may be; a battle between the left and right spheres of the brain; a battle of the soul between my heart and my mind, a battle of my conscious and my ego ..I have to end this, this battle in me to continue or end this ':|
What I'm saying is we don't have much control over how our life transpires. I however insist we should still make plans, otherwise we should be content with anything.. we should still hope for the best, we should still expect. Only, with knowledge of how the world is we should be conscious that it's not guaranteed, that there's a possibility our expectations may never be met. Nevertheless let's still believe in our plans and work towards them.. The fact that we could fail should not be reason not to try, after all risks are everywhere!? ..the fact that you may not receive is not reason enough not to expect! [Is it ':? shouldn't be is what I strongly believe!]
..maybe we could involve God in them [Pray, perhaps ':? ]? He is supreme after all, He can make anything, can fix everything, He is the only one tho has the power to change everything, in singleness, simultaneity, all possibilities at the same time work for our good! He can merge my goals to her goals, can make her story merge onto my story.. He's the only one who could do that.
All I could do if I was to dare try is to make choices so that I could fit in her story, whatever role I'm given as per her script [who wants that, to take anything that comes ':/ you really want to fit into destinies plans, have absolutely no choice, be bound to take whatever you're given?]
I know I have my free will, but I have to remember I only have mine. I have absolutely no power over anyone else, I could influence those who I command respect from.. but that's as much as I could do, well of course I could manipulate, blackmail e.t.c get what I want from whomever but it wouldn't really be worth, plus it's not me':! I couldn't do that mainly because He gave us free will, and I trust Him, I trust his reasons [ for the same reasons; I could only be bound to Him, I could only give into His will ..You could have me in chains, entangled, cut of my veins.. but you may never have me, unless I choose to let you have me.. Again this is the greatest gift we were ever given!]. Ever heard this "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds."
In conclusion.. God is simply my best bet, that's what I believe.. what I choose to believe, that He is real. That through Him I can be all I want to be, through Him, YOU can be all you want to be [Psalms37:4]. It is Him that after all put those desires on you.
Talk to Him [It's not that hard to pray.. just talk like you would talk to your best friend, the one you confide in, your dog, or Teddy bear, maybe yourself, or your music, your computer, your books.. you know who or what you talk to, talk to him like that.]!