Wednesday 19 March 2014

Added advantage, or just a pretend ice capped mountain?

Beauty is usually what attracts you to someone or something.. but everyone strives to look their best, so, you could fall for something else.. a mask, perhaps':( That is, what they present themselves as.

Like thieves pass themselves as trustworthy individuals and manage to get people to give them everything they want [steal from them':!] :(

So, beauty of course attracts but you have to be careful not to fall for just a mask. How would you not, you ask? Consistency, look inside the heart.. if the same beauty is from within then that's one test passed.

If it's only a mask then it should fall of at a point. You have to be careful though so you won't be entwined.. so you won't find out that it was just a mask when you have already given your whole heart, dived in too deep to swim back up.

So my theory is, beauty [external, the mask] should be just an added advantage. Atleast to me I try to make it be. It's not easy though..

I'm not however saying you can't trust someone whose beautiful, what I'm saying is you can't just trust someone, not just because they're beautiful. Yes, even when they are really beautiful [In this case both inside and, or out]. You have to let them earn your trust just like everyone else, find out if their beauty is from inside their heart.

If it is their heart that is beautiful then there is potential for an amazing thing. External beauty is a plus, It should always be just that, a plus and not anything more! ..otherwise you will be in real big trouble, when you have fallen in love with a mask, an image nothing like the object that was what you desired, the real person could be the actual opposite of what you may have required:"( 

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